Definitions - Disclosure

These are provided to help you understand more about the data you will find in Disclosure UK, in particular to whom payments and benefits in kind have been made.

Below are some useful definitions to help you understand more about the data you will find in Disclosure UK, in particular to whom payments and benefits in kind have been made.

What is a HCP?

Healthcare professionals (HCPs) are defined as 'members of the medical, dental, pharmacy and nursing professions and any other persons who in the course of their professional activities may administer, prescribe, purchase, recommend or supply a medicine.' 

What is an ORDM?

The term 'other relevant decision maker' (ORDM) particularly includes those with an NHS role who could influence in any way the administration, consumption, prescription, purchase, recommendation, sale, supply or use of any medicine but who are not health professionals. 

What is a HCO?

healthcare organisation (HCO) is either a healthcare, medical or scientific association or organisation such as a hospital, clinic, foundation, university or other address, place of incorporation or primary place of operation is in Europe or an organisation through which one or more health professionals or other relevant decision makers provide services. 

What is a TOV?

The term 'transfer of value​' (TOV) means a direct or indirect transfer of value, whether in cash, in kind or otherwise, in connection with the development or sale of medicines. A direct transfer of value is one made directly by a company for the benefit of a recipient. An indirect transfer of value is one made by a third party on behalf of a company for the benefit of a recipient where the identity of the company is known to, or can be identified by, the recipient. 

What is the PMCPA?

The Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) was established by The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) to operate the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry, independently of the ABPI.

The ABPI Code​ covers the promotion o​f medicines for prescribing to health professionals and other relevant decision makers. The Code also sets standards for information made available to the public about prescription only medicine. Advertising or promoting prescription only medicines to the public is prohibited under the ABPI Code and the UK law. ​​​​​​​

Last modified: 02 October 2024

Last reviewed: 02 October 2024