ABPI 10 year strategy
We want the UK to be the best place in the world to research, develop and use the medicines and vaccines of the future. This is our 10 year strategy.

Ensure value, access and uptake of innovative medicines and vaccines, now and in the future.
- UK in top quartile of health systems for access and uptake
- New payment models recognise long-term value of innovative therapies
- Increased medicines uptake with measurable impact on outcomes

Improve UK attractiveness for industry research, development and manufacturing.
- UK reaches 2.4% GDP target for R&D and increases share of manufacturing for innovative medicines
- Recognition that R&D and manufacturing is vital to the economy
- Clinical research performance continues to improve

Build a stronger industry reputation in the UK.
- Industry is seen as meeting the highest possible standards
- Demonstrate our role in supporting population health, the NHS and the UK economy

Provide international leadership and drive global policy
- Regulatory and trade environments are positively influenced through driving global policy
- ABPI and UK affiliates seen as key to shaping UK view on international issues
- ABPI and our members shape UK policy on international issues

Improve UK's health data capability and industry access to data.
- Fully integrated NHS data sets, well governed and accessible to industry for R&D
- UK is more attractive for cutting-edge research collaboration and evidence generation

Build better partnerships between industry and NHS and across the life sciences sector.
- Industry viewed as a true partner to the NHS
- Cross-sector collaborations benefitting patients, the NHS and the economy
- Support the NHS long term plan
- Contribute to the NHS net zero goals

Last modified: 01 July 2024
Last reviewed: 01 July 2024