
Within the commercial side of a company there are a large number of people working towards promoting the medicines their company produces.
Prescription medicines are not allowed to be advertised to the general public in the UK. Instead they must be promoted to doctors, who then choose whether to prescribe them.
Adverts in medical journals, conferences and presentations tell doctors about the medicine, but most information comes from medical representatives involved in sales and marketing. Medical reps visit doctors on a regular basis to tell them about their company’s new products, and to answer any questions they have.
Sales managers, health economics experts, healthcare communication professionals and product managers all work together with the aim to promote new medicines for the benefit of patients.

Those who do well in healthcare communications are proactive, positive, professional and work well as part of a team.

Up to date, accurate and strategic information on medicines is vitally important for the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare professionals and patients.

It’s the job of everyone who works in sales and marketing to make sure that doctors are aware of the benefits of new medicines.